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Pelvic Floor Therapy in Calgary SW

person doing physiotherapy on coreAt Center For Healthy Living, we are specially trained to restore function and ease pain arising from pelvic floor dysfunction. On your first visit, your physiotherapist will ask you questions about your condition and perform a thorough physical exam, which may include an internal exam component. This will allow for the most comprehensive understanding of the condition to ensure that it is thoroughly addressed.

A treatment plan is then designed between the practitioner and patient, through careful consideration of patient-specific goals and their condition. Treatments vary widely between individuals, but may include education and guidance, bladder retraining, IMS/dry needling, exercises to strengthen or down-train the pelvic floor, and manual therapy.

Research has shown a direct relationship between pelvic floor dysfunction and low back and hip pain. Pelvic health physiotherapy can be a good adjunct to chiropractic care, physiotherapy, massage, and osteopathy for patients experiencing persistent hip or low back pain.

At Center For Healthy Living, we understand that conditions related to pelvic health are sensitive. Christina Roman, PT is here to listen and adapt to your concerns, focus on your goals, and help you regain confidence and control. Pelvic health physiotherapy aims to enable patients to improve upon and better manage many conditions.

Conditions Addressed With Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

  • Urinary Problems:
    Urinary stress incontinence, frequency, and urgency are terms used to describe bladder dysfunction. Stress incontinence means leakage (mild-severe) often associated with a stressful force (sneezing, jumping, laughing, coughing). Urgency refers to a sudden compelling desire to urinate, with or without leakage. Frequency is a complaint of having to urinate too often during the day or night.
  • Bowel Problems:
    Bowel incontinence, urgency and frequency are common problems affecting the bowel. Bowel incontinence means you have an involuntary loss of stool or gas from the anus. Urgency refers to an overwhelming feeling that you need to pass a bowel movement. Frequency is defined as having at least three bowel movements each day.
  • Pelvic, Low Back or Hip Pain:
    The pelvic floor comprises the muscles that form the base of the pelvis and wraps around to support the bladder and rectum. The pelvic floor muscles are often missed as a source of pain and muscle tension. They can also contribute to pain in other areas, including the low back, hips, groin or sacrum.
  • Painful Intercourse:
    Pelvic floor physiotherapy is the treatment option for women with painful intercourse. It helps determine the root cause of painful intercourse, which is usually multifactorial, but often attributed to pelvic floor dysfunction.
  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse:
    Pelvic organ prolapse is a condition in which one or more pelvic organs (bladder, uterus, or rectum) drop down and may or may not protrude into the vaginal opening. It is caused by weakening the connective tissues that support the pelvic organs.
  • Prenatal and Postpartum Experiences:
    Pregnancy, childbirth and delivery can affect the pelvic floor muscles. Pelvic floor physiotherapy is an effective way to help women regain their strength and control in their core and pelvic floor after pregnancy and birth. It can also be beneficial in improving overall pelvic health.

Book an Appointment

If you’re experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction, we want to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.



Pelvic Floor Therapy in Calgary SW AB | (403) 769-0093